Is a Humidifier The Best Option For Indoor Comfort in Winter?

Q: How do I keep my skin comfortable and smooth while also keeping my furnace running at peak performance?

A: “Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Maybelline!”

We all love to look our best, with that skin that shines like an alpine glow. Winter brings us many obstacles. Driveways to be scooped, tires to be chained, short days, cold nights, warm meals to be cooked. As Montanans we are aware of the struggles winter in this beautiful state brings. We take pride in surviving our relentless winters.

However, who doesn’t want to come home to a not only a scooped driveway and a hearty meal, but also the soft touch of a loved one. Winter air carries less moisture than warm summer air. This is because air can only hold a certain amount of moisture dependent upon temperature. The colder the air temperature the less moisture it can hold before it condenses and becomes precipitation (rain, snow, sleet).

So, it’s no wonder that during these winter months we see our skin dry out, nasal passages get congested. What to do then, you ask? Many turn to humidifiers. Not a bad solution! Or is it….?

Well this all depends on your humidifier, water, and heating system. Lots of variables in play, but nothing that can’t be solved! Let’s dive into see why X=Y! (I promise there is no algebra quiz at the end!)
So, you are running a humidifier and seeing issues with your furnace? Not uncommon, and the most likely culprit is a clogged filter.

We see this often when a humidifier is run on the return side of a system (essentially any stand-alone humidifier set in your house). The question here is what is your water source running through said humidifier? If it is well water, you likely have a high content of minerals which is good for you, and makes your water taste amazing, but they are also being vaporized into your air. Not harmful for you but could be very bad for your air filter as this gets pulled through your return air. Mineral build up on a filter is not readily apparent as it mimics the color of the filter. But hold it up to the light. If it is not translucent, you are likely looking at a clogged filter causing air restriction issues.

You are probably asking, “what do I do to stay silky smooth whilst also remaining warm?” Fair question! If you use a humidifier run distilled water through it. This water that has been demineralized. It will lower your build up on filters! Other options include installing a centralized humidifier on the supply side duct work of your furnace. This keeps the air in your home humid while not affecting your filter.
If you find yourself needing to run a humidifier this winter remember to check your filter more often than usual. Also, be sure to check them with a light as they may appear clean, but are actually clogged by a fine white dust.

As always remember to call AirWorks for all your heating and cooling needs at (406) 257-1341.